Home Beginner Tutorials – Great start to learn new techniques/technologies for the web

Beginner Tutorials – Great start to learn new techniques/technologies for the web

I often had the problem that I wanted to learn something new, but where should I possibly start? What are great beginner tutorials? I put together a list of great starting points to learn all sorts of things. Have fun πŸ™‚

Do you know a great tutorial that helped you? Pls share it in the comments.


PSD 2 HTML: http://net.tutsplus.com/articles/news/converting-a-design-from-psd-to-html/

WordPress Theme Development psd2wp: http://css-tricks.com/video-screencasts/25-designing-for-wordpress-part-one/

WordPress Plugins: http://net.tutsplus.com/articles/news/a-crash-course-in-wordpress-plugin-development/

Genesis: http://designsbynickthegeek.com/tag/genesis-explained

Child Themes: http://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes


SASS: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2CB1F80266E986EA&desktop_uri=%2Fplaylist%3Flist%3DPL2CB1F80266E986EA

Bootstrap: http://getbootstrap.com/css/

JQuery: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3877C5434C042349

GIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYjZtU1-u9Y&list=PLz727jpcduhh3kWc2icOirSABZXPeOqzP


Internet Marketing: http://www.internetbusinessmastery.com/podcast/

Facebook Marketing: http://amyporterfield.com/1

Podcasting: http://howtopodcasttutorial.com/podcast-tutorial-four-basic-steps

Do you know a great tutorial that helped you? Pls share it in the comments.

Happy learning πŸ™‚

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