Home PowerHouse Mastermind – Additional Material
PowerHouse Mastermind – Additional Material

PowerHouse Mastermind – Additional Material

Full Rule Set

Ground Rules

  • We meet weekly every Fri 400 PM EST for 1.5 h with a given meeting structure (see below)
  • The mastermind group will start its first cycle on Aug 1st lasting for 12 weeks
  • Each member must commit to a full cycle of 12 weeks. After that cycle the group decides together about the next cycle
  • You must be willing to openly share your business with the group
  • You will come prepared to each meeting
  • You are not allowed to record, repeat or publish any information discussed in the mastermind without the explicit written consent of each member
  • The group consists of exactly 4 members.
  • New members can only join on a new cycle and only if there is available space, get on a wait list here.

Additional Rules

  • A new group rule is created by unanimous vote
  • New members can join on unanimous vote
  • We will try to meet in person once a year
  • Being late costs $1 into the travel fund that is used to meet once a year, money paid into the travel fund is nonrefundable
  • If the travel fund doesn’t get used to meet, it will be donated to charity

Unbreakable Rules (Breaking this = Expelled)

  • You talk/show/publish about details for our meeting to anybody outside the group
  • You are allowed to miss 1 meeting per cycle
  • You are allowed to come unprepared to 1 meeting per cycle

PowerHouse Meeting Structure

  • 5:30 ~ Welcome & purpose
  • 5:39 ~ Focus minute
  • 5:40 ~ Short update on previous week (5 min each)
  • 6:00 ~ Hot-seat session with one member (scheduled in advance, rotating)
  • 6:40 ~ Hot seat member states action plan for problem/project
  • 6:45 ~ Everyone states goals for coming week
  • 7:00 ~ End

PowerHouse Worksheet

Meeting date: __ / __ / ____

What to share for my short update:

1. What were the results of my business goals last week:

2. What were the results of my personal goals last week (if any):

3. Other news/updates?

What are my current projects and priorities?

What could I really use support on right now:

What’s my expectation for today’s meeting?

What have I learned recently that could be beneficial to one or
all of my team members?

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