Home Simple Aweber Integration officially released in WordPress Plugin Directory

Simple Aweber Integration officially released in WordPress Plugin Directory

I am very proud to announce that my Simple Aweber Integration plugin is now official released in the WordPress Plugin Directory.

I was originally giving the plugin away as an opt in gift to my Aweber email list. I was even getting quite some sign ups, but was not really doing much with my email list. I have thus decided to rather give away my plugins on WordPress for all the smaller simple ones, and start putting my plugins on GitHub as quickly as possible. The ones I put on WordPress will only be a selected few – essentially the ones I see impossible to break and the ones that will be easy to maintain in the future. Plus writing documentation is a lengthy process that I directly don’t get much benefit from.

In any case, if you are looking for an easy way to add you Aweber form to every post/page, checkout my Simple Aweber Integration.

Are you looking for a plugin? Do you know a feature that would improve the Simple Aweber Integration ? Please let me know in the comments below.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.
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